South East Maker-space (SEMS) formally disbanded as a separate entity in 2023. Ultimately we did not have the numbers required to maintain viability. However, we are pleased to announce our new relationship with the Men’s Shed movement. We are formally […]
SEMS is CLOSED. We are in the process of moving to a new location. the old space at Thomas Hill has changed ownership. Please do not enter the Space. Members: please contact the Secretary to verify your vaccination status before […]
South East Makerspace (SEMS) will open it’s doors to the public from 7 to 10pm on Culture Night, Friday 20th September. Come join us, meet our makers and participate in making your own bots, a family friendly workshop taking […]
South East Makerspace would like to thank SCHIVO MEDICAL for their donation of a metal frame workbench, which will no doubt be put to good use by our members for many a project to come.
South East Makerspace (SEMS) are opening their doors from 6pm to 11pm on Culture Night Friday September 16th. Come meet our makers, check out our upgraded 3D printer, a variety of projects and many works in progress at our makerspace […]
The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will be running a “Learn CW” course on Monday the 12th of September from7pm to 10pm in the South East Maker Space workshop (old Munster Express print works), Thomas Hill, Waterford with two further […]